What is a cell?

Cell: has the characteristics of the animal's entire life and the lives alone in appropriate circumstances have the ability to maintain the basic unit of structure and process. Cell, multicellular life, the smallest unit of living things.

The cells forming structures, membrane-enzymes and organelles of living thanks to pursue. Organelles in cells, some may not. To be sure, however, that life must be semi-permeable membrane and enzyme systems.


Our bodies are filled environment in a wide variety of cells and between cells, organic and inorganic substances has been established. Various tissues and organs, cell types and their specific functions on them before you take the special, are common to all cells based on cell structure and cell function is supposed to indicate the general character. For this reason, the cell is firstly, how it was and how it works, let's review briefly the general lines.


Thinking about the differences between live and inanimate, living organisms, body substance, inorganic substances are considered to be inanimate nature, researchers who want to distinguish, protoplazma'da features live material is collected, the protoplasm of living matter in general, he suggested that could be considered.

Single-celled organisms that live independent lives in our world as separate entities, or plant, animal and human-shaped body of multicellular organisms, even the organization of living cells in a cell, even up to a variety of advanced non-bacteria, viruses such as the body material of living organisms always smaller than the down and protoplasm were made from.

In general, the cell protoplasm, mainly divided into two parts that can be seen under the light microscope. One of the core or nucleus is filled with nukleoplazma karyoplazma or the other nucleus with the cytoplasm of the cell membrane. That separates the nucleus and cytoplasm of a suspected nuclear, cytoplasm of cells formed around the outer face of the environment and to separate the cytoplasm of plant cells by the accumulation of cellulose is also worth noting that in a thickened cell membrane.

Structure and major parts of a cell that can be seen under the light microscope.

Various cell types, cell membranes caused by the different features and many organelles (trembling feathers, stimulates the cell edge, the cell anus) separately for incelenmeğe. Also in the cytoplasm, cell membranes in the extension and continuation of some form of fine tubules, electron microscopy can be seen and understood the importance of more and better constitute a structure. A variety of cells, such as intra-vascular system, this building, in places, enlarged vesicles and fine tubules rather than showing this network system, is the endoplasmic reticulum.

Endoplasmic reticulum is associated with the nuclear envelope, cell nucleus with the surrounding environment is suitable for domestic transportation between.

Last strongly it should be noted that, in the cytoplasm of intracellular vascular system, only used for the transport of substances from one place to the transport network is a simple but at the same time, this access control system works as a completely dominant. In other words, the endoplasmic reticulum, the cell cytoplasm carrying items from place to place within the same time as the necessary changes and functioning, enabling a variety of formations, equipped chemical and physiological tasks.

In short, even in a cell, according to its most complex events of life is extremely easy, safe and convenient to conduct a robust manner, drawing attention to important buildings. Ültrastrüktürünü and functions in places we'll discuss them separately.

The fine structure of a cell that can be seen with electron microscopy. The main cytoplasmic organelles, cytoplasm showing a combination of a small section of the schema.

MUTATION Organelles

Organelle: the cells, is performed by biological events. Get to know the following characteristics of the cell organelles.

Cell organelles:




Endoplasmic Reticulum.

Device Golgi.




1. Mitekondri:

A double membrane organelle. The most important is the center of the cell energy production. Oxygen breathing is done. Energy, nutrients, oxygen, to obtain the spread mitekondri.

Plant and animal cells is mitekondri. Mitekondrinin has its own ribosome.

2. Plastids:

Only plant cells have. Makes the task of synthesizing and storing nutrients. With the cell develops. Plastids, chloroplast, chromoplast, and is divided into three as Lökoplast.

Chloroplast: Double zarlıdır. Inner membrane flat. Energy-producing organelle within a cell to another. Because of this property is less than the amount of plant cells mitekondri. Within this structure and the most important feature of the light-absorbing chlorophyll and the plant is located in the green color.

Chromoplast: substances found in plants from green to another color. These are red (tomatoes), yellow (rose), orange (carrots) can be given as examples.

Lokoplast: are plant and animal cells. Animal cells store nutrients. Colorless. Starch, protein and fat is stored. Carrots, sugar beets, potatoes are abundant.

3. Koful:

Plant and animal cells have. Nutrients found in animal cells kofulu. While animal cells are smaller and less numerous, larger and more abundant in plant cells, membrane sacculers formed.

4. Endoplasmic Reticulum:

Plant and animal cells is located within the cell or between cell membrane and the nucleus, located throughout the cytoplasm, is a system that allows transportation of material. Please note that the storage of some substances.

5. Golgi Device:

Plant and animal cells have. Packages and secretion of substances in the cell plays a role in the secretion of substances. Golgi device? Of the degradation, leads to a decrease in secretions. Golgi apparatus is located within the structure (texture) makes according to the secretion.

6. Lysosome:

Scattered in the cytoplasm, around the membrane, surrounded by the inner suppressive sacculers enzymes. Large pieces, small molecules, nutrients, making it a kind of molecule makes digestion. Lizozomun construction, are involved in endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus. Lysosomes, carry digestive enzymes into kofulların vacate.

Living things when they die and, if necessary, by opening the lysosomes in the cells of the digestive enzymes that digest the cell so that the dies.

7. Ribosome:

On the endoplasmic reticulum membrane is attached or free in cytoplasm. Protein synthesis of the protein molecules are produced and constructive place. Structure of protein and RNA have.

8. Centrosome:

Hcrenin division are involved. Each one of the two cylinder-shaped structure called sentroil occurs.

Animal cells near the nine strands of the core (cylinder shape) are structures formed. Some floral plants are found in the centrosomes. Sentroiller perpendicular to each other. Sentrozomlar animal cells, spindle during cell division creates strands.

Differences between Plant and Animal Cells


Plant Cell


Cell wall










Little and Large

Lots and Small

Plant Cell:

There cytoplasm chloroplast.

Located outside the cell membrane cell wall made of cellulose.

Due to the presence of the cell walls of a square structure.

There is no centrosome in the cytoplasm.

Located in the cytoplasm of a few major kofullar.

Animal Cell:

Chloroplasts in the cytoplasm is not available.

Cell wall does.

Cell structure is not square, usually close to round.

Centrosome is located in the cytoplasm.

Cytoplasm contains many small kofullar.

General Aspects of Plant and Animal Cells